Version 1.37 The Shadow Release
Incremental Releases:    

All the things keep happening, what in the world is going on with 2025?

Regardless of all that madness, we're still here with a new release of Accidental Woman. This time we've got an assortment of stuffs for you. A whole new club called The Eager Breeders Club, which is pretty cool and contains a lot of content. The Aperture Technologies portal stuff has been finished and you can now buy your own Porta Portal, There are a couple minor events, some work on hucowing, an evening system option to pass on alcohol as well as interaction with addiction that could overrule your choice, and some expansion of chastity and keyholding. A very big set of improvements this month involve the menu system, further merging and simplifying the system so that you don't need to check all over in order to use various menus like grooming, the wardrobe, and the home inventory. And finally, several fixes. We FINALLY found the cause of the suiciding romantic partner NPCs, for example.

You may have noticed that there hasn't been a huge amount of new hucow stuff in the last few releases. We haven't abandoned it or anything, so you don't need to worry about that. Mostly, it's just all the chaos of the last 6 months has made a mockery of our scheduling, and then hitting that burnout wall made me evaluate things on more of a big-picture level. Basically, I want to get unfinished business taken care of, and fix some long-standing things that aren't ideal or don't give the right kind of experience. And thus we've got things like a new body portrait (still in progress, art takes time) and improvements to menus and a lot of the other things we've been doing. Plus finishing up some of those unfinished items like the portals this month.

Once we get things in a nice healthy state, I want to resume focusing on hucows properly without so many distractions. Once we get that wrapped up, we can then move on to voting for the next game expansion in a more stable and complete way without bringing a bunch of baggage into whatever that expansion ends up being. :D

I say it every month but I really do mean it: thank you so much for your support. It wouldn't be possible without you!

Thaum - Your friendly neighborhood erolich

Change Log

Words:  3,763,984 (25,737,731 characters)
Code:  195,925 lines of TypeScript (plus plenty of other stuff, of course)