I survived to do another release!
I've been recovering, and adjusting to my medication, so I'm starting to get back to my usual speed. It has taken some time, but I can use that as more motivation to pace myself in the future. Sometimes I get so excited about something, or just run away while caught in the details, it's easy to work too much. Definitely going to be more careful going forward. Besty the Kot has been doing well, it seems he's got some fun things planned for this year. Misa has gotten sick, so is taking some time off. I think she had a lot of stress with her work at "big gaming industry company", with all the turmoil going on in that space. She decided to quit the old job, but then tried to jump straight into working with us... but still had to finish her December work for them. We were happy to accommodate of course, but I think she was pushing herself to try and "learn" AW (learning any new job is stressful, AW is probably more so), and added too much stress on top of all the other stress that had built up. We decided mutually to "pause" her employment with us to give her some time to recover, and then hopefully she'll be back with us again in a couple months.
Anyway, the most amusing thing to write about here is TitKok. This all started because someone in the Discord server posted a screenshot from Fox News where the news ticker at the bottom of the screen had a typo and TikTok was spelled TitKok. Naturally, TitKok sounds like it belongs in AW, and combined with the whole ban thing, I thought it'd be fun to add in. Now you can browse over 50 TitKoks complete with title, text, tags, and the player's reaction. Each gif is also edited and carefully curated, of course. It's mostly titty-fucking themed, but there are other things in there too. It was pretty fun to make, and I think it helped get me back into the swing of things. Thanks to being Old™ and working in IT, I've never actually used TikTok... so... It's probably not the most accurate recreation, lol. Plus adding in words because it's a text game and they're short webps instead of real videos. Still fun, I think.
There's plenty of other fun things, but I'll leave it to the change log. (I'm going to try and keep that short too...) I want to finish so I can relax for a couple hours before starting the grind again tomorrow morning. XD
Thanks a lot for supporting us and making it all possible. We're going to keep working hard to improve and expand AW for you!
Thaum - Your friendly neighborhood erolich
Change Log
- Rebalanced addiction to sex-based items (cum, creampies, and sex) to make addiction gain much slower and more realistic.
- Rebalanced the energy system, improving how the player recovers energy points after using them doing strenuous activities.
- This one was a little overdue, as some characters found energy recovery to be painfully slow.
- Also decreased the importance of athletics skill, and lowered the threshold for bonuses from athletics considerably.
- Lily's testicles now grow each week in order to match with the main story.
- Added a new player portrait option. You can now use the new Avatar as your character portrait.
- This turned out to be dumbly difficult to get just right, but the result looks pretty good!
- Added a new drug to the game: Pink Pussycat (dietary supplement)
- Can be purchased at the Cum & Go, coop hucow store, or Nature's Treasury.
- Provides a boost to the beneficial effects of having an orgasm, particularly satisfaction and to a lesser degree companionship.
- Comes in a bottle of 6 pills. Each pill lasts for about 90 minutes (actual time varies from pill to pill).
- As long as you follow the instructions, it can be quite useful. It's particularly good for reaching higher satisfaction levels from masturbation, and when attempting a more chaste playthrough.
- Abusing the drug of course can cause a number of side effects.
- Too many orgasms: some bimbo gain and brain damage (small)
- Overdosing: probably will cause bimbo gain/brain damage and some health damage. There is also a chance you could grow neko ears.
- long term use: Each dose has a chance of giving you Lilith's Porphyria. The odds are exponential, so the first dose only has a 1 in 10,000 chance, while the 10th has a 1 in 100 chance.
- Too many doses per day: multiplies your odds of getting Lilith's Porphyria. If it's your 20th dose and you would normally have a 1 in 25 chance, if you took 3 pills in the same day that last pill would have a 3 in 25 chance.
- Most of the outcomes associated with the drug have text and pictures.
- Complete rework of the Lilith's Porphyria mutation.
- The original mutation used the addiction system, and as a result really didn't seem to line up with my vision for the disorder. Plus it was basically just a faster way to get a high addiction that can already be experienced in a more natural way.
- The reworked mutation has its own brand new mechanics, and actually works like it was intended to. It adds a fun little spiciness to a playthrough.
- The reworked mechanics support all methods of absorbing semen chemicals: anally, orally, and vaginally.
- Each has mechanics for how this happens, and in some cases mutations like vaginal peristalsis can alter things.
- Oral ingestion is significantly less effective than the other routes, and will require between 4 and 5 times more cum per day. This was done for two reasons: because it's easier to get cum orally in the game, and mostly so that players can have their character be a cum-guzzling cumpire if they wish.
- The vaginal route provides another mechanic-supported approach to pregnancy risk or breeding for players interested in those. (For example, a character trying to avoid pregnancy can find herself in a tough spot when she needs regular creampies to live.)
- The anal route is fairly neutral, but also provides some possibilities some of you may be interested in.
- The conversation with Lily in the male start about your Lilith's Porphyria mutation has been completely rewritten and expanded.
- Male Start players can use Lily as a source of semen, and can contact her once per day to get her to help you out.
- Lily has her own schedule, so may not be able to meet you or may not even answer the phone.
- Lily makes the condition easier for male start players, while female start players keep the theme of higher difficulty and must procure all their own semen.
- Three options when meeting Lily for her cum: orally, vaginally, and syringe.
- Contact Lily from the social menu, using the action items button.
- The game encyclopedia has been updated with new text as well, that isn't just a copy of the Lily conversation.
- There are multiple levels of anemia that can occur: mild, acute, critical, and deadly.
- Cum deficient players may experience a new dream overnight about cum with a variety of endless cum gifs.
- Each level of cum deficiency has increasing effects, and will eventually result in death.
- Primarily impacts to health, mood, energy regeneration, and tiredness. Things that anemia generally does.
- You can also have seizures complete with one of two shaking girls and text, as a more significant reminder.
- Reaching the deadly stage gives you only a few hours to get enough cum before reaching a bad end.
- Status icons that indicate you are experiencing acute or worse symptoms, and an informational status informing you that you haven't gotten the minimum required amount.
- Characters can build up a semen surplus to go a day or two without, and there are other mechanics going on. This mechanic isn't 100% efficient, and higher difficulties will find using a surplus to be more difficult (but still perfectly doable).
- Some tweaks and minor improvements in various places that I really can't remember right now.
- New bad end if you let your Lilith's Porphyria go to far.
- Evening activity
- A new evening activity event specifically for the hucows. (2100 chars)
- BTW if you have any ideas of specific evening activities scenes contact us!
- Pheromones mutation fixes and small expansion.
- The correct values are sent to the card game now when you have sex caused by a "NPC going wild" interaction.
- NPC has a chance to write PC later with a apology for their behavior.
- New threesome scene in Riesewoods. (11000 chars)
- Can be joined
- Can be peeked upon
- (Thank you M. for that scene! Hope you'll get better soon!)
- Begonia - the alcoholic hucow at the COOP bar (15 000 chars)
- Can be encountered by visiting the COOP "Corral" bar with some chance.
- The storyline expansion with more options after the first encounter. Begonia can be serviced by PC in an even more humiliating way than the first time or PC can refuse to do that.
- Possibility to gain a "Sub" kink along the way!
- More will come in next releases!
- Card game
- Fixed premature sex ending by the NPC. Now they will have no chance to end sex before orgasm on their own at all. Let's test and see if this works better, write your opinions in the dedicated channel in our discord!
- The noncon CG restriction is working now with some scenes. You shouldn't be able to end sex in these circumstances, zero "Finish sex" are put in the deck in such scenario.
- Interface and design.
- The Career menu got a facelift making it to look much better and be usable at any resolution.
- The Notes menu got a prettification treatment too. Nicer and cleaner look.
- Bugs
- Fixed.