Hey everyone, Thaum here with a new AW Release.
I'm going to try and keep it short this time. The big item this version is the avatar. Faces, hair, emotions, makeup, ears and tails, shading, and a lot of improvements to the in-progress avatar images from the previous release. Overall, there's 666 unique images. Just exporting them as png files took a solid 8 hours, even with shortcuts mapped to extra mouse buttons and standard keyboard shortcuts, thanks to the massive number of layers and need to toggle them for each uniquely-named image. Altogether, these images can be combined in game 3,425,763,927,785,472 ways. I don't know of any other game using a layered avatar that has this level of expressiveness. Now once you factor in clothing, an avatar or two out there could surpass us, but that isn't really an apples to apples comparison. I'd like to think that our Avatar will have some clothing at some point, but it'll certainly get more variations in other areas.
To go with the art theme, we also added a lot of new gifs and video loops to player character masturbation. It took some work to find gifs that specifically fit the action and body of the character, and varying degrees of editing and modification were required. In some cases, such as tail fucking yourself, well... here's a shrunk and cropped preview:

Of course, there's plenty of other stuff in this release too. On the Chained Ether front there have been some developments, but I'll save that info for a separate post. Let's get to the change log, shall we?
As always, thanks so much for your support. It wouldn't be possible without you!
Change Log
- Brand new game music, A retro synthwave mix called Thaumtopia just because we already had Utopia and Dystopia.
- Rework of the way pubic hair grooming/regrowth works.
- Instead of leaving you with your chosen style when hair is overgrown, now when your hair grows out enough your style will change to a 'bushy family' style of the next higher length.
- New 'bushy family' style "short trimmed" which is length 2. (lengths in order from 1 to 5: stubble, short trimmed, neatly trimmed, trimmed, bushy)
- description of hair growth in grooming menu is now more clear, describing how much it has grown out since the last groom/shave.
- pube length parser now uses length of your style, rather than pube growth progression.
- It takes 10 days to reach full growth after grooming (and thus have your style change). It takes 50 days to go from cleanly shaved to full bush, which is reasonably realistic.
- Major upgrade to player character masturbation.
- New code for determining which activities the player is capable of.
- Better threshold determinations for pregnancy, with per-action checks instead of a check for all actions.
- If the player has an appropriate sex toy or piece of home furniture, they can masturbate no matter how pregnant they are.
- Excessive pregnancy can make it too difficult to fap for futa characters.
- Interface change, unavailable actions now explain why they are unavailable.
- Masturbating is no longer automatically clean, and the reproductive fluid system is properly used (vs a simplified setup).
- Better determination of success/failure. Note: failing to cum really just means that you didn't finish in the given upper timeframe, and doesn't mean that you can't cum.
- Two new actions available for futa players:
- Self Suck - if the player is capable of it, they are able to suck themselves off.
- Higher difficulty but larger satisfaction bonus.
- Consuming cum is basically a foregone conclusion.
- Ability to autofellate depends on multiple factors based in some level of realism, surprisingly this seems to be less restrictive than other games I've played.
- Contortionist players get a significant bonus for the check to see if they are capable.
- Failure has a representative gif in addition to the result text.
- Being too pregnant makes this action impossible.
- Action has 3 gifs and 2 longer videos, one of which is displayed randomly. These match the player's activity.
- Self Fuck - if the player is capable of it, they can self insert and bring themselves to orgasm.
- Higher difficulty but larger satisfaction bonus.
- The check to see if you're capable is based on some common sense but... well, there isn't exactly any real data on this one.
- Check is based primarily on cock length and whether testicles are too big.
- Results in a creampie. (Note: the player is capable of impregnating themselves, so caution may be advised.)
- Failure has a representative gif in addition to the result text.
- Action has 3 gifs and 1 longer video, one of which is displayed randomly. These match the player's activity.
- A encyclopedia entry was created that explains the autofellatio/autointercourse capability checks and reasoning.
- Successfully masturbating as a futa will now display a cumshot gif representative of the character's semen output.
- Eating your cum after masturbating now has text appended instead of replacing the window contents. There are also some gifs of cleaning yourself up...
- A total of 34 new gifs and looping videos for masturbation actions.
- These were painstakingly created to match the player character's body and the type of masturbation.
- Examples: Schlicking as a pregnant futa will result in a gif of a pregnant futa using a sex toy on her female bits. Schlicking while pregnant as a normal woman will result in one of two gifs depending on how pregnant they are. etc.
- Tentacle self fucking now has two animated gifs (one for vaginal one for anal). The anal version properly has tentacle balls and a horsecock (though perhaps the horsecock turned out too small), but I didn't have time to properly animate those for the vaginal version.
- AMAZING Player Avatar
- Honestly, so much work went into this thing. It looks simple, but it's really anything but. Plus, it was necessary to re-export every single component image, which is the most god-awful tedious work that takes forever. (Imagine manually exporting 216 images, toggling layers one by one, just for different areolas. Then repeat over and over.)
- 3,425,763,927,785,472 possible combinations! That's 16 digits, quadrillions.
- Soooo many things are represented:
- 3 body types
- 6 hip sizes
- 27 breast sizes
- breasts: 4 areola types (small, average, large, puffy)
- breasts: 3 nipple types (normal, inverted, teat)
- 13 pregnancy bellies
- 3 different vulvas (innie, outtie, tentacle/parasite outtie)
- vulva: 2 levels of arousal and 3 levels of cum.
- vulva: sex toy and pussy seal
- vulva: 7 pubic hair options (plus 'none')
- 6 testicle sizes plus special tenta-balls
- 7 cock sizes from 2 to 30cm, with erect and soft versions.
- special horsecock and cowcock in hard and soft versions.
- Tails! cat tail, fox tail, and tenta-tail are now represented.
- New head and face.
- Face: 4 different emotions (sad, neutral, aroused, very aroused)
- Face: Multiple makeup levels, none, everyday, sexy, smeared.
- Face: 3 levels of cum facial
- Hair: 5 lengths in all the standard colors (blonde, dark blonde, brown, ginger, auburn, black)
- Hair: messy and neat version of all standard hair lengths.
- Hair: 2 updo hairstyles and a ponytail in 3 lengths.
- Ears: human, and also cat, dog, fox, bunny, and cow.
- Almost all of the above items that were in 1.32 have been improved since last time (for example a redrawn horsecock or shaded breast).
- Not Yet A Portrait We didn't get this in as an option for the player face portrait in time for this release, however we should have this ready in 1.34.
- Part of the reason for not having portraits is because the images I exported turned out to be too small courtesy of the changed aspect ratio. Some items have been re-exported at the proper resolution (face, vulva, cock) but the rest are still smaller. It looks fine when at the normal size, but when zoomed in you can see the difference.
- Evening activities:
- Going out in the exhibitionistic way option was added.
- Can be caught by a police and forced to pay a fine.
- Only accessible for the exhibitionistic characters.
- Card game: new endgame logic.
- Previos version was overcoplicated and counter-intuitive. Screw the previous version.
- Now you have a "End sex" card you can play at any moment if you have it in your hand.
- Your partner can counteract this card with their "not done yet" (in case they have it on hand)
- And vice versa.
- If your encounter is not actually fully consent bottom partner will have no option to play "End sex".
- Card game: new "facesitting" pose card.
- Can work in both ways, so you can be both a giving and a recieving partner.
- Oral action cards can be used since the class of the card is "oral".
- Requires the top partner to have a pussy.
- Card game: new "smother" action card.
- Not having such an option was a crime imo.
- Can be used during any "oral" pose.
- Dommy characters have more copies of the card in the deck.
- New sauna gossip scene
- A little bit of lore about bulls and COOP treatments to explore.
- Hucow playthrough logic expansion.
- Hucow characters can't move in with NPCs anymore. This is against the COOP rules.
- If you have a save with this situation already happened you should be kinda okay but in the long run it can cause some unforseen game logic consequences.
- Hucow herd reaction.
- New scene initiated by a character having too much fun with outsiders. The herd is angry.
- Different options to react to this with various consequences for the character.
- Overall, many actions and situations were expanded with a changes to the hucow social stats changes (autonomy, iq, compliance and behavior). These will affect your options and further events as we continue to expand the hucow route.
- Various smaller stuff:
- Police Exhibitonist evasion scene got it's own pic.
- Many typos were fixed, especially in the hucow orientation text.
This stuff came out in 1.32.1, because 321... I decided to add it in. Anyway, normally it would've been out in this release and it's big enough to get re-mentioned for those that may not have checked out the incremental change log. How do you feel about having a super-cute tentacle pet? What kind of mechanics would you like with your pet? Personally, I lean toward something a little like Gizmo from the Gremlins movies, though herb is certainly more useful and more fun in a certain kind of way... but I like the idea of something where sleeping with him too much, or maybe neglecting him, results in some bad things. Stop by our Discord and let us know what you think!
- Further material for the tenta-pet!
- Reminder: you can get pregnant with your new pet by exploring the Institute campus.
- After birthing the first form of your pet, you are now able to visit it in the bathroom to feed or pet it.
- Petting your pet has several positive mental effects. (And can result in other things depending on how old it is!)
- This will result in a creampie or huge creampie if the creature is in the many-tentacle or adult stages respectively.
- Your pet must be fed regularly! Not feeding your pet for three days will result in it dying (and your character taking a big hit to their happiness).
- FYI: You can be re-impregnated with a pet at the Institute if this happens.
- You can feed your pet using your breasts (if lactating), your holes (pussy and ass), or your cock if you have one. He can be fed multiple times per day.
- Feeding with your holes will result in it gaining a small amount of fullness from your character's fluids, the amount depends on how naturally wet the vagina is.
- One unit of fullness per base wetness level, from 1 to 5.
- If you don't have any cum inside you, your pet will have to do his best to stimulate you for some time to release your nectar, which will result in a large arousal gain.
- Feeding with your holes will also allow your pet to feed on any semen in your vagina or anus, including any fertility system sperm that aren't on your cervix(es).
- Cum is very nutritious, but because it isn't fresh your tentacle gains one unit of fullness for every 6ml of liquid semen.
- Tracked sperm is also considered, so you can gain up to 3 units of fullness if you were previously very full of cum.
- Only the highest source of fullness from these two options is considered (liquid or residual). Fem fluid is added to this.
- You will gain some arousal due to the vaginal stimulation.
- Feeding with your cock will result in it eating your semen, obviously.
- This is not guaranteed to satisfy the daily feeding requirement. If you cum 1ml or less, it won't count as having fed him (and won't reduce his count of unfed days).
- If you cum less than 5ml it will reset his unfed count but will not count him as being fed that day.
- Fresh semen is the most nutritious substance, so he gains 1 unit of fullness from each 5 ml of cum.
- He can't consume a massive ejaculation because semen is delivered faster than he can handle. Ejaculations exceeding 100ml will result in the amount over 100ml being spilled/leaked, though he may be able to slurp up up to 25ml of the spilled semen afterward.
- Feeding with your breasts will drain them of milk, either emptying them or leaving the remainder (minus some spillage) in your breasts if he gets full.
- Gains one unit of fullness per 100ml of milk consumed.
- He can consume all 5,000ml in one feeding to reach max fullness if the PC produces that much.
- Causes a small amount of arousal gain.
- Upon gaining 50 fullness points, your pet will no longer be willing to eat. Text from the feeding will tell you if your pet is full, in addition to the option to feed him being greyed out.
- fullness points contribute to your pet's growth, with 1 fullness point corresponding to 0.1% growth towards his metamorphosis into his cute adult form.
- Several minor events/notifications can happen based on your pet's growth. These occur the morning after the day your pet reaches the required growth level.
- At 50% growth, he goes from a single tentacle to multiple in an anemone looking form. This also changes what happens when petting him.
- At 100% growth, he turns into a fleshy egg sac (cocoon) while he undergoes his metamorphosis. Petting changes again, and he can not be fed.
- After a little over 2 weeks, he will hatch into his adult form, which I made to be super cute for a loveable tentacle pet.
- If you feed him the maximum amount each day, it will take 20 days for him to start his metamorphosis.
- Adult form tentacle pet is not complete at all, however you can still visit him to pet him. He'll be a lot more involved than this when actually finished.