So all sorts of shit happened, mostly a killer migraine and then discovering this morning that someone using git as their litter box and having to manually merge and try to get it back into shape. And then test things to hopefully catch most of the resulting fuckery. It looks good but... fuck. There's also some more stuff in the change log below in case you read it early.
Why hello there.
This is a pretty exciting month! In addition to the usual new stuff, I've got two cool things to share with you. The first is the initial release of our new game called Chained Ether. It's a 3d game where you pilot an airship to trade slaves and explore a perverted post-apocalyptic steampunk world. Not only is the setting fully fleshed out and detailed in Thaum fashion, it's truly unique. It's not just another generic fantasy, or a vaguely modern version of the real world. It's also not one of those games that have a really interesting concept that turns out to be shallow and not tied to the majority of the game world. I suppose most importantly, it's a world made up of different locations with different cultures that lets us really explore a lot of sexy material. The primary source of energy in the world is sexual ~ captured and converted in steampunk fashion.
We combine this with ship's officers that you can recruit to provide some gameplay bonuses to your ship, but who are also deep characters with their own backstories, motivations, personalities, and potential relationships with the captain (player character). You'll start out knowing Samantha, an innocent childhood friend who happens to be your chief engineer who is finally beginning to acknowledge her femininity. We already have 6 other characters with personalities, stories, and a ton of art; multiple outfits with variations for pregnancy and post-pregnancy bodies, sex scenes, and more. In fact, our artist has been making art for this game for nearly two years! We actually started planning and designing chained ether over 3 years ago.
We're expecting to put it out there for you to enjoy by the middle of October. If you'd like to learn more, you can read about it here, and even see a lot of information on cities and the different races here. Cat girls, bunny girls, elves, succubi, and more with their own unique biology and culture.

I've been busy directing the efforts of our Chained Ether (CE) team, but that doesn't mean I've ignored AW. And that brings us to the second thing I'm excited to share. A new player character portrait is on the way. It will be both body and face, though the body portion will make it into the game first. Most importantly, it'll have a serious amount of variations to represent your AW character. Not just a body with a few different sizes of breasts and some different genital arrangements as found in most text games.
A dozens of breast sizes, nicely scaled from A cup to 'shame a hucow'. Pregnant bellies from first trimester to hyper pregnant. Arousal, hips, ass, creampies, small balls, huge balls, small cocks, huge cocks, horse cocks, areolas, nipples, and plenty more. For the face we'll have moods, hair, makeup, etc. We're setting it up in a way that will let us add even more in the future. The goal is to have one of the best avatars out there in a text game.
We're expecting to have the body portion in the game in 1.32, followed by the head and more extras like ears, tails, etc. in 1.33.
I suppose it would have been a better surprise to reveal the avatar in the next release, but I figured since I spent a lot of time on it this month, I'd share it now. It takes a surprising amount of work to coordinate a serious avatar with an artist, even I underestimated it a bit. Providing references so that you get the right kinds of sizes and details. Describing a few dozen things and explaining how pieces should be layered so that the image can be built programmatically. In any case, I'm really excited about it. :D
Change Log
- Significant improvement to the drug Heat.
- Text for taking the drug has been rewritten, text for the drug item in the inventory has been rewritten.
- Heat is now an abandoned emergency psychiatric drug that works to stabilize mental health and remove hidden negative mental statuses. It was pulled from the market because of the avenues for misuse by medical professionals, and abuse by patients.
- It now provides a significant boost to happiness, companionship, and satisfaction. It also gives a significant reduction of stress.The strength of this effect depends on how big the dose is. (100, 150, 300 micrograms)
- It will remove several negative mental status effects such as being over-stressed or having an intense need for sex due to lack of satisfaction. This effect only occurs when the player's addiction level is below the threshold for the dosage taken, so long-term addicts will eventually lose this benefit.
- Instead of shifting the menstrual cycle, it has a chance of inducing ovulation. The chance depends on the character's point in their menstrual cycle, and whether they have the spasm ovaries mutation.
- It maintains the rest of the fertility effects it had before.
- Enabled support for non-human pregnancies & births. Currently used by the BT parasite, but supports all manner of things.
- Expanded the amount of data that can be transmitted through the reproductive system and into zygotes, fetuses, and eventually babies.
- Improved some parts of the character description page.
- Bonus pay for giving birth will now only occur if you give birth to at least 5 babies. If you work for Progenerate or are a surrogate, this restriction doesn't apply.
- Added support for fetus-driven gestation acceleration.
- Added this change log text to the dev notes that pop up in new versions.
- The Samurai drug now has a chance to give the player the 'abnormal hormones' mutation that decreases the effectiveness of birth control.
- The harsher birth control cleansing program administered by Progenerate, Farm Coop, etc. is now likely to give the 'abnormal hormones' mutation. If the character already has this mutation, there is a chance they will gain the 'hormone resistance' mutation.
- Clarified the "majora" pussy puffiness stat in character creation, and added a encyclopedia entry accessible from character creation and the character details menu.
- Explains the stat in context of AW, why we use a single value for both pubic mound and outer lips and what it represents.
- Has a brief overview of what the labia minora and mons pubis actually are, in case people are unaware.
- In a fit of Thaum nerdery, explains the difference between the fatty tissue in these two areas are different from subcutaneous fat that can grow beneath the skin above it. Goes on to explain how these two areas of fatty tissue relate to the development of the vulva, such as size and thickness of the labia minora and clitoral hood, generally explaining a lot of vulva morphology.
- The "Ball Thief" has been added to the game. This is a parasitic creature with a complex life cycle.
- The adult phase is a semi-stationary creature with long slime-like arms.
- Can be encountered in the Institute S.P.E.R.M. and Services jobs if the PC is a futa with testicles.
- If the creature is avoided or resisted the first time the event occurs, the event can happen a second time. The second time has much lower odds of happening.
- Fun little event that involves the PC's testicles being stolen, and replaced with two parasite testicles that are the next stage of the creature's lifecycle.
- This scene has a cool art plus some other fitting images.
- I recommend that you don't attempt this with tentacle balls, as the event won't fire unless you use the dev tools.
- Fun with parasite testicles.
- They still produce sperm, but it's parasite sperm. Impregnate NPCs with interesting babies.
- The little guys feed on cum deposited in your vagina. On the bright side, this helps a lot with preventing a mess. (Changes creampie behavior.)
- Sperm that sent directly into the womb upon ejaculation are still safe.
- Every day the parasites will grow a tiny amount, unless they've been fed, in which case they'll grow about 4x as fast.
- Every night, they will helpfully deposit sperm into your womb/s.
- Once they grow large enough, their wombs have fully developed and become active, so you'll have a left testicle womb and right testicle womb. (300cc)
- They can grow up to 1500cc from this nightly growth.
- While the expanded fertility/womb system handles these just fine, I'm unsure how I want to handle birth (ouch) and how the parasite should get pregnant in this case. I kinda figured have one of the parasite sperm creatures do it for some sexual (two parent) reproduction and then start the cycle again with the baby... or have a more normal sex scenario with a treated symbiote, but this isn't really my kink so please feel free to stop by Discord.
- Can be removed using any service that would remove normal balls.
- Gives you the sticky cum and hard cock mutations. (when treated, also gives mega nuts)
- More text content in character description with a balls pic.
- Gestate some parasite babies.
- For the most part, these act just like normal babies while they're inside the PC.
- They grow very quickly. Specific rate depends on the PC, but pretty much any character should give birth after 11 days.
- When giving birth, there is different text. They don't count as human babies for government benefit purposes, but Arbor Vitae will pay you 10 credits* per specimen. (*many money values are automatically adjusted based on difficulty level)
- After giving birth, if you were a SPERM employee, a fellow lab tech will slip a treatment into your inventory. taking this will cause the parasite to produce your human sperm
- It acts like your sperm except that it forces some fertility factors to be at least a certain level (you can go higher). It also causes any babies created from it to gestate at 2x speed.
- It still deposits your sperm into yourself every night, however it stops killing competitor sperm so you can have a mix of daddies.
- Obviously you'll go back to having normal human babies.
- Heat available on tap.
- From the character actions menu, you can choose to eat some of your precum.
- Has effects similar to a heat 100 microgram dose, though with different text and such.
- Added the numeric values of several body attributes to the character detail screen in addition to the descriptive words, so that various guide size requirements are more obvious, and it's easier to understand changes in size.
- Muffin chain of events finished!
- Can have some hot action now if you workout with her enough (Look for her in the dorm\barn area after all the workout events)
- She can be known from the new unexpected side!
- She can provide you with some interesting unique thingies...
- New transformatives
- Two new pretty safe hucow transformatives to change your body in a new ways.
- Ofc with some fun side effects!
- One super shady thingy you can find outside the COOP (Listen to the gossips of other Hucows. Or try to search in the industrial district).
- Side effects are weird.
- You've been warned. It's for the desperate ones.
- Some transformative will have lingering effects which will stay with a character forever.
- Can be both positive or negative.
- More lore
- More sexy stuff
- More fun
- A number of scenes happening when you are swimming in the pond.
- Also segz.
- Card game finishing screen fix
- Dates at home in COOP now can be started
- Sex after dates should return you to the correct map and not some random flat.
- List of the consumables in the bathroom menu got a bit nicer.
- Card game NPC motivation fix: now they will be more willing to play cards when aroused. Fixes the "too lazy NPC" issue.
- Starting text in the Card game sex now showing at the round 1.
- Hucow swimsuit can be obtained properly in the pond area.
- Mailbox fix ("Check for the mail" dialog)
- Tentacle shop map\upper menu was returned to the proper place
- Tentapet
- related phone ui error fixed
- COOP ATM exchange rates are rounded properly now instead of being like 1.699999999999...
- Emma the hiding coop habitant links are properly disappearing when clicked now.
- Annen crazy text were fixed. I can't even get what he'd mean by some of his phrases. It's just some gibberish. I mean, yeah, I'm not a native user too but at least you seem to understand my writings, right? Gosh.
- Some more smaller bugs and typos were fixed here and there.