Version 1.27 The Expecting Release
Incremental Releases:     1.27.1     1.27.2

Here we are again.

Odd how we keep running into each other like this... it must be fate... how about getting a drink?

No, I'm joking! Please don't call the cops!

We've got some cool stuff, but let me tell you guys, this has been one fuck of a month. We start off with a certain cat somehow breaking our git repository. I've never seen anything like it. Luckily I'm a paranoid bastard, so we didn't lose much. Did have to do a little manual merging, but now we have a new repo. Git and Besty really don't get along for some reason.

Besty freaking out, April 2024

Then all sorts of other crazy shit happened, such as that guy right above fleeing into some part of the Russian wilderness for a solid week. I suspected mushrooms or a mental break, but some friendly Russians on the Discord server told me this is just what happens when you don't drink enough vodka. Makes sense to me. Anyway, right about the time he comes back covered in leaves, twigs, and Cthulhu knows what else, another plague strikes my house. Because why the fuck not, I guess. 

It starts out with my seven-year-old. Of course I catch it too, which always seems to happen, because I'm the one who takes care of sick kids. Maybe the lack of sleep helped this time; lots of nighttime coughing and vomiting and all sorts of dumb shit. Right about the time I'm getting sick, we're spending time in the hospital because some sort of pneumonia came out of the kiddo's cold. The doctor helpfully told us that it's either viral or bacteria, which is like almost all the pneumonias. Lots of antibiotics and he's fine now. Then came my turn to cough out bits of lung or whatever. Oh, and apparently this particular virus likes eyeballs, so viral conjunctivitis along with everything, and a solid two days where reading anything not in giant old people font wasn't in the cards.

So yeah, that was fun. I was pretty useless, but I played a lot with photoshop. Did some doodles of girls with giant nuts for some reason. Made a horsecock selfie for Tingler. Somehow stumbled onto Airell's sperm clinic while fixing other shit he did, and that started a rage and cough syrup fueled thing, which I then had to finish once I was actually capable of doing anything. Along with the other stuff I started.

But then I finally got down to business on the hucow stuff I wanted to do... this week.

So that's probably enough bitching.

I barely remember what I worked on for two thirds of the month, so we can go on this change log journey together. The aurora's out, it's a crisp spring night. Kind of romantic, don't you think?

No, I'm joking! Please don't call the cops!

Change Log

Words: 3.58 Million (24,552,245 characters)
Code: 188,840 lines of TypeScript
New Images: 41 (plus a video)
Known Issue: certain text can become hidden behind the UI sidebar on a large monitor when using OS text scaling above the 'recommended' value. Changing this setting will fix it. Will fix once we figure out how to do it without breaking new scaling setup or making it ugly for the majority of players.

Incremental Release: 1.27.1

Back with some fixies. Mostly the display issues.

Incremental Release: 1.27.2

Back with more fixes. Unfortunately, fixing my soul is far more difficult.