Here we are again.
Odd how we keep running into each other like this... it must be fate... how about getting a drink?
No, I'm joking! Please don't call the cops!
We've got some cool stuff, but let me tell you guys, this has been one fuck of a month. We start off with a certain cat somehow breaking our git repository. I've never seen anything like it. Luckily I'm a paranoid bastard, so we didn't lose much. Did have to do a little manual merging, but now we have a new repo. Git and Besty really don't get along for some reason.

Besty freaking out, April 2024
Then all sorts of other crazy shit happened, such as that guy right above fleeing into some part of the Russian wilderness for a solid week. I suspected mushrooms or a mental break, but some friendly Russians on the Discord server told me this is just what happens when you don't drink enough vodka. Makes sense to me. Anyway, right about the time he comes back covered in leaves, twigs, and Cthulhu knows what else, another plague strikes my house. Because why the fuck not, I guess.
It starts out with my seven-year-old. Of course I catch it too, which always seems to happen, because I'm the one who takes care of sick kids. Maybe the lack of sleep helped this time; lots of nighttime coughing and vomiting and all sorts of dumb shit. Right about the time I'm getting sick, we're spending time in the hospital because some sort of pneumonia came out of the kiddo's cold. The doctor helpfully told us that it's either viral or bacteria, which is like almost all the pneumonias. Lots of antibiotics and he's fine now. Then came my turn to cough out bits of lung or whatever. Oh, and apparently this particular virus likes eyeballs, so viral conjunctivitis along with everything, and a solid two days where reading anything not in giant old people font wasn't in the cards.
So yeah, that was fun. I was pretty useless, but I played a lot with photoshop. Did some doodles of girls with giant nuts for some reason. Made a horsecock selfie for Tingler. Somehow stumbled onto Airell's sperm clinic while fixing other shit he did, and that started a rage and cough syrup fueled thing, which I then had to finish once I was actually capable of doing anything. Along with the other stuff I started.
But then I finally got down to business on the hucow stuff I wanted to do... this week.
So that's probably enough bitching.
I barely remember what I worked on for two thirds of the month, so we can go on this change log journey together. The aurora's out, it's a crisp spring night. Kind of romantic, don't you think?
No, I'm joking! Please don't call the cops!
Change Log
Known Issue: certain text can become hidden behind the UI sidebar on a large monitor when using OS text scaling above the 'recommended' value. Changing this setting will fix it. Will fix once we figure out how to do it without breaking new scaling setup or making it ugly for the majority of players.
- "Ever Hope" sperm clinic has been completely renamed, with significant changes to the location, images, and actions. Basically, a lot has been redone while some content has remained.
- This is because like always it seems, Airell. It started with fixing some obvious bugs, which then became fixing the dumb name and incongruous setting, and finally adding some sexy usefulness to the place.
- The clinic is now named "Siemen Semen Depot".
- Appletree Bee story in 'read something' improved w/ image redone. Additional Appletree Bee story added to 'read something' involving Siemen.
- New logo image, new images/ads for various services created, like the MegaLoad and requesting semen donors.
- New image of the receptionist.
- New description of the location with random variation for spice.
- You can now buy 1 liter cum canisters from Siemen, which contain fairly fertile semen. (currently can only be used with the double donger, but I envision these as being used with a number of devices and appliances.)
- Comes with a scene where the PC asks about getting cum, discussing options, and that sort of thing.
- Cum from actual sperm clinic has good fertility numbers, unlike other option.
- Entirely new scene where you register to be a sperm donor.
- A sizeable scene with a lot of outcome specific content. Includes some sexy stuff with collecting a sperm sample.
- New code for determining semen quality, with information reported back to the player after testing is done, and a payment rate based on the fertility of the semen.
- Sufficiently fertile characters with a large enough ejaculation can end up impregnating the collection nurse Isla.
- New setup for re-registration if you aren't accepted or if you sperm quality is too low during a collection and you can no longer donate.
- Donation payment now based on math and some sort of reasonable process, rather than Airell code.
- System is balanced so that sperm donation can be a good source of additional income, similar to selling milk. Like selling milk, income will depend on having the assets for it... instead of big tits with good lactation numbers, you need big nuts with good fertility numbers.
- Siemen MegaLoad scene added.
- Some ads for MegaLoad.
- Large scene with images, covering the process of inseminating yourself with a huge syringe, following the helpful advise of the Siemen instructional video.
- causes cumflation.
- New "Huge Nuts" Read something item
- New "Gymnastics" image found in the gov't district when 'looking around' by clicking the location image.
- Updates to Double Donger home item to allow you to use multiple source objects.
- New menu option for loading standard or Siemen semen.
- Fertility effects depending on cum used.
- Standard bargain cum from FertiSeed has reduced fertility more in line with the source.
- Update to the Cum Class constructor. (Cum class is type of object representing individual semen units in the internal fluid simulation (cum in your pussy/ass/etc.)). And key Fert Class methods.
- Rather than using custom randomization when generating cum objects with a donor that isn't an NPC with its own fertility stats, it now allows passing in owner types with additional randomization options or predefined values, so that "stranger cum" can have effects that better match the donor.
- New art of a woman with an AW horsecock, laid out as if the image is a selfie.
- Used when a futa w/ horsecock sends a selfie in Tingler.
- Extra words for horse/cow cock when partners discover it on Tingler.
- Mechanics now added for non-human parts in NPC AI attraction/seduction system to determine if the NPC wants to fuck you.
- Mechanics for generating semen based on fertility factors, as well as semen/sperm behavior based on factors, improved and standardized.
- Total redo of code to determine number of sperm per ml.
- Rebalanced base reference value used as part of the calculations, and used math to give a much more realistic sperm count curve over the low, average, and high fertility characters.
- Implemented much better effect of sperm quality on sperm count, as bad/dead/deformed sperm aren't used by the system for fertilization or swimming.
- Major change to how random undefined NPCs inseminate you when you receive a creampie.
- Now uses a random ejaculation volume appropriate to the given scene, rather than a simple average.
- Particularly true of content written by certain people, who tend to just use a single value of "5ml" for everything.
- Fixed heavy overuse of "deep" creampie injection specification. Changed many to use the default, which is a more "normal" creampie scenario.
- SSTD resistance mechanic added.
- Allows characters to have a lowered chance of catching an SSTD like wet heat or the Morona virus.
- Right now only matters for characters with tenta-junk or special cocks. Will probably add more targeted bonuses later, such as a mutation (for example).
- Pube stubble now described in character description.
- Fixed math issue with "probable ejaculation" number in the character status menu.
- Removed shoes from counting when determining if the character is naked, because having on some shoes doesn't really change being totally nude for scene and effect purposes.
- New Semen Tester device.
- Can be purchased at Oedipus RX pharmacy.
- The name is... uninspired. To be nice. I was sick. Somehow "semen tester" (the description) became the name.
- Actually used a real device of similar purpose as the base for the item image.
- New output of more detailed sperm information that was previously unavailable to the player in game.
- New Gestique testicle growth treatment.
- Safe and effective.
- Also increases male fertility factors a small amount. (can go higher than normally selectable male fertility values)
- Repeatable once per week.
- Growth based primarily on starting size, with a minimum and maximum amount of growth per dose.
- Not a huge amount of growth, max of 50cc volume (which is still a lot if you think the average testicle is somewhere between 10-15cc)
- Safety and controllability of the procedure is the cause of slower growth, and that it helps fertility too. Other options tend to be riskier and have side effects.
- Comes with an interesting scene and a nicely edited video.
- Normally we photoshop the shit out of everything, even AI stuff, so that it fits the world and the story/event content. We also do our best with videos too.
- Uses some cool code I came up with for more growth that occurs smoothly with time instead of in large jumps. It isn't really important, but I did it for some reason.
- New code for hucows when taking various drugs in game.
- Checking hucow status when any drug is consumed/used/etc.
- Tracking use of various drugs within the rule system.
- Punishment for taking drugs.
- Currently the system won't interrupt or prevent drug changes, and no bad ends are launched. This is temporary because there still aren't the majority of "hucow approved" options via the Coop. Still gonna get punished though.
- Scene with Doc Mya for decontamination, some variation based on whether you're a repeat offender (with drugs in general or that specific drug)
- Abigail detail portion isn't complete.
- Code for milk supply contamination, depends heavily on luck on whether your contaminated milk ends up contaminating milk in storage.
- Can result in some debt increases depending on severity.
- Omni Womb mutation description and details in encyclopedia expanded/improved.
- New diagram showing what it actually is.
- Fertility Goddess and Fertility Storm mutations now allow the Omni Womb as a viable alternative to having the Twin Womb mutation.
- Female side start for the Doc Mya fertility/pregnancy storyline is complete.
- This version is for non-futa characters.
- Requires the PC to have a fertility score of 6 or better. PC must also have the Risky and/or Pregnancy kink.
- FertStorm or Goddess mutations are not required.
- Participation is optional, as with the futa version.
- Lots of new dialog and such to go along with the storyline.
- Several cool image thingies.
- Getting caught in yet another misunderstanding/embarrassing position.
- You can make Mya cry by initially refusing then changing your mind.
- New transformative "Fertify" that Doc Mya gives you if you approve.
- Given after the active phase of the Treatment is finished, while the player is still on HC birth control.
- causes increase in fertility (duh)
- Goes up to full level 9 (goddess + super fert boost) (normally only available via progenerate job or meeting a series of criteria while becoming a hucow.)
- Player earns goddess mutation if they don't already have it. (including required mutations)
- Increases fertility factors beyond the level 9 standard.
- doesn't reach maximum, so other items that give increases can still be valuable.
- Grants a number of mutations because mutations are fun.
- Level 3 Short Cycle. (HC Treatment transformative can give up to level 2 under very specific conditions, usually gives 0 or 1).
- Sperm Host mutation
- No BC mutation.
- Suction Womb added on top of standard hucow Cervix Dilation mutation.
- OmniWomb!
- You can now read something on your phone when in the hucow dorm bedroom.
- New image of a banner at FutaFest ("Don't Forget the Nuts!" complete with futa nuts)
- Custom clothes loading fixes
- Example mod loads fine too now.
- PaDo images of the custom clothes should stay after save-load
- Common sense Anenn/Airell's text fixing, where he ignored the world setting and current scene when adding text.
- Rewrote some passages of the Hanna's story he butchered.
- Reduced the body shape and other assumptions he made in his writing.
- Random chats with NPC were fixed too.
- Hucow milk you buy from the shops can be used now
- Milk you got in the older versions can still be unusable though
- Inventory now shows food and ingredients in the separate block for the sake of better UX
- CG Cock ring card got the correct image
- Evangeline's story expanded! (30 000 chars)
- Three events on the Hucow job (You can get them when you are promoted to a mature hucow).
- Options to choose, things to do. Can got bullied, can bully, some moral choices.
- More tasty stuff about the poor little futa who is into humiliation forced to be a part-time Hucow.
- Bubbles the sly Hucow event! (9000 chars)
- Poor Bubbles got into troubles. Will you help her?
- Ah, btw she got really dirty and needs to be cleaned desperately. Fun in the shower awaits.
- Abigail Crawford punishment scene (9200 chars)
- Third punishment, more pain, more brain-transforming drugs, more BDSM.
- Unique butt marks as a present!
- Milk is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Hucowification is Strength :D
- Hopscotch game in the COOP central square
- Just a silly children's game activity to make your udders bounce.
- Some bug fixery.
- Several images made that didn't get used because time. Like Jim Stones - Farmer.