Version 1.25.0 - The Records Release

So immediately after I practically kill myself on version 1.24, and promise to be more reasonable... I went and set myself another crazy schedule. I think it sounded reasonable at the time, but of course, it ended up being a lot more work than anticipated... mostly because I saw stuff and was like, "ope, gotta fix that!"

So what we end up with is a massive expansion and improvement of some of AW's core systems. Fertility and Character Data are probably the biggest two, but of course there was more. NPC generation, new System State system, improved information, info displays, and even further improvement of the player character description. Also game saves, and all the work to maintain backward compatibility despite all the character data expansions and changes. 

I even took the time to personally test a ton of stuff related to the changes, so I know for a fact things are in good shape. And while I did that, I found plenty of behind-the-scenes issues that I fixed along the way. 

Unfortunately, I also got a hell of a case of influenza this month, courtesy of the whyf. I've gotten a flu shot every year for like 20 years now (except for that one year when I was living on the Arctic Ocean and fighting polar bears). This time, however, it seems like I got the one that the shot wasn't for, cause I had a high fever for 4 days straight. Lost about a week of development, all told. So I had to curtail some of the planned stuff because I just didn't have time.

Still, it's a hell of a release and I think a lot of you are going to appreciate it. ^_^

Of a particular note: I'm aware that the tentacle line of transforms are totally "overpowered". It's mostly for fun, but more importantly it's a way to get you guys to test the mutations and functionality it gives you by playing with it. I suspect that in the future it will become an unlock, a reward for completing the game AND the sacred knowledge storyline, or something similar. It'll stay how it is for a while though.

Which reminds me... I finally set up the long planned but never really implemented backbone of the unlock system. The general idea is that by unlocking things, getting Arcanist Points, and the like, you can expand your character options at the start of the game. An example would be getting a new mutation in-game from some drug, unlocking the ability to take that mutation during character creation. Now that I consider the persistent data reliable enough (system state system, heh) for people not to accidentally lose unlocks, we can start adding that in (slowly). 

Anyway, onto the change log. I'm coming up on 12 hours on this so far today, and there's a fuck ton to write still... I'm probably not going to cover everything, if I'm honest with myself...

Thanks for your support!


Change Log

Words: 3,513,692 (24,067,776 characters)
Code: 184,408 lines of TypeScript
Images: 3 new images each for PaperDoll and BodyPortrait
Tits & Testicles: Now up to 8.

Besty Items in his own words
- New card: Condom.
    > Is added to your deck by having any type of condom in the inventory at the start of the card game.
    > Can be played like any other item card. Can be used both on dick-bearing NPCs and futa PC.
    > Prevents the insemenation when cumming in penetrative sex positions (obviously).
    > Different brands of condoms and sabotaged condoms functionality will be added next month.
    > Known issue: currently you can put multiple condoms on one cock. This shouldn't affect the functionality but can cause some glitches if you try to remove one during the card game.
- Proper CG finish screen.
    > Includes more info on the results of the sex scene with a flavour text.
    > Will be expanded further along with the CG expansion.
- Sex effects calculations.
    > CG now affects the main gameplay e.g. having NPC orgasmed while your character was giving him a blowjob will result in proper cum consuption effects and body staining.
    > Various places for the jizz to land on or in with the effects in the main game.
    > No more "Each CG ends with PC getting creampied".
    > Proper post-sex arousal, stress, satisfaction and other calculations are implemented.
- New effects cards.
    > All of the main four drugs and various alchohol intoxication levels are affecting the CG now.
    > Also main and most game-affecting kinks effects were added too.
    > Not all effects stated on the effects cards are properly implemented yet, but thats a big pile of work and, at the moment of writing this I am not sure that Thaum has finished this chunk. He got too carried away with adding the important option to give births through the butthole lol. I already sprayed him for this and I hope he will dedicate some time to implementing the effects. If not, it will work in the next release for sure.
- Bonus round after NPC orgasm!
    > In previous versions if NPC came the game finished after his turn leaving player no option to play the orgasm card too which was kinda unfair.
    > Now you have one more turn to squeeze your own big O or play "Not done yet!" card if the NPC shoots his load.
- Dom and Sub cards were changed.
    > They will block NPC or PC from using items and not from playing pose cards now.
    > The previous version was just too imba.
- I also added the max Desire changing effects but not sure if they show properly now. It should be showing the right amount of Desire but I haven't tested it in all situations, so pls inform me if something is off. (like the meter refreshing only on the next turn and whatnot).
- Minor fixes here and there in the CG to make it behave and look better.
    > As always, we really appreciate your feedback on the card game, feel free to give your ideas and opinions on the CG in the dedicated channel on our discord server!